Khalid Al-Mishri announced Monday the start of his work as “Head of the High Council of State” from the headquarters in Tripoli, calling on “ex-Head” Mohammed Takala to resort to the judiciary if he had any objection to the results of the elections for the presidency of the Council that were held last Tuesday.
He said in a video statement that the High Council of State was unable to complete the elections for the remaining members of the presidency office, due to circumstances that everyone knows over a legal controversy about an election paper.
He said the legal committee decided on this controversy, calling on his colleagues to resort to peaceful methods guaranteed by the law and to resort to the judiciary.
“We won’t be unjust or reject any legal rulings, and we are under the law. If the judiciary recognizes any rights for [Takala], we have no objection to re-election.” Al-Mishri said.
Al-Mishri spoke about holding urgent consultative sessions with all members of the Council, and then completing the elections of the Presidency members, pledging to work to end any differences within the Council.
He said that the Council’s unity was a unity for the capital, Tripoli, and the western region, in general, in preparation for a comprehensive national unity for the entire country ahead of going to elections to achieve national unity.