The Head of the high Council of State Khalid Al-Mishri has revealed that the eastern region’s debt amounts to 50 billion dinars.
In a meeting with political, social, and military leaderships, Al-Mishri said Wednesday, following his meeting with the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, that they are trying to contain the disasters in Libya, adding that the 50 billion dinars were spent without any rightful reasons.
“The banks, especially the Commerce and Development Bank, have used up the money deposited by clients and Al-Wahda as well as National Commercial banks are bankrupt and on the verge of collapse.” He added.
Haftar has taken loans worth 35 billion dinars from east-based banks without guarantees or insurances. This made the Tripoli-based Central Bank of Libya remove three banks from the electronic banking system.
Al-Bayda-based CBL resorted to printing new banknotes in Russia – 10.8 billion dinars – over the last three years, according to Reuters, let alone the confiscation of two money containers by Malta as they were heading to Libya;s east filled with Russia-printed banknotes.
In last October, Haftar formed the General Mobilization Authority that aimed to seize state or opponents’ properties and sell them to fund the military operations of Haftar’s militias – just like they did with the houses of displaced people in Benghazi – according to Human Rights Watch’s report in last August.