The Head of the Libyan High Council of State (HCS), Khalid Al-Mishri, has called on the High National Elections Commission (HNEC) not to adopt the parliamentary and presidential elections laws that have been passed by the House of Representatives (HoR).
In a statement on Tuesday, Al-Mishri said the insistence of the HoR to ignore the Libyan Political Agreement is a coup on the political process and the constitutional declaration.
He also indicated that what the HoR did was a unilateral approval of the elections laws and a violation of Article 23 of the Libyan Political Agreement, in addition to being a violation of the understandings between the HCS and the HoR in Rabat early this month
The Head of the HCS said the HNEC bears the moral and security responsibilities if it decided to base Libya’s elections on the laws issued by the HoR.
The HCS rejected the two elections laws issued by the HoR because “they were passed unliterally without consultation with the HCS which is entitled by the political agreement’s terms to agree on the legislations before being approved by the HoR.”