British embassy reopened in Libya’s capital

The United Kingdom (UK) reopened its embassy in Libya on Sunday after an eight-year hiatus.

“This is a demonstration of the U.K.’s commitment to the whole of Libya. I am proud our work touches the lives of Libyans across the whole country already,” said Ambassador Caroline Hurndall on Twitter.

Hurndall said that although the Embassy is based in Tripoli, the reopening remains a demonstration of British commitment to the whole of Libya.

“I am proud that our work touches the lives of Libyans across the whole country already. For example: Law enforcement training in Benghazi, Sabha, Misrata and Tripoli; Mine Action projects in Sirte; Helping Libya’s English teachers through the British Council, Peacebuilding programs in Ajdibaya, Tobruk and Zliten; and Our support for the High National Elections Commission throughout the country.” She explained.

Hurndall added that if Libya is to fulfil her political and economic potential, Libya’s leaders must continue to implement the October Ceasefire Agreement, work together, and pursue compromise, cooperation and concord.


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