The Health Minister of the east-based government in Libya has confirmed the death of four Greek rescuers in a bus accident as the vehicle burnt with a number of people inside en route to Derna.
The accident, Othman Abduljalil said, took place between Marawa and Gandoula towns on the way to Derna. Three Libyans – from one family – died in the accident as well, brining the total number to seven.
15 others of the Greek rescue team were injured, including seven in a critical condition, Abduljalil added in a televised news conference. Two others of the Libyan family were also in critical condition, he added.
Greece’s General National Defense Staff released a statement announcing that three members of the Greek humanitarian mission to Libya lost their lives and two are missing.
The Greek General Staff said late Sunday that a C-130 type military transport aircraft was sent to Libya to provide first aid and transportation of the injured Greek nationals back to the country.
International search and rescue teams started arriving in Libya a week ago following the devastation that befallen Derna and surrounding areas in eastern Libya in the wake of Storm Daniel and ensuing floods.