Participants of the International Follow-up Committee on Libya held a meeting on June 02, 2021, and called on the House of Representatives (HoR) to clarify the constitutional basis for the elections and to enact the necessary electoral legislation.” UNSMIL said in a statement.
UNSMIL added that the participants welcomed the interim Presidential Council and the interim Government of National Unity charged with leading the country up to national parliamentary and presidential elections on 24 December 2021, underlining the importance of the full implementation of the provisions of the roadmap and other relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
They also called on the authorities and institutions, the society, and the media to create conditions for full, effective and meaningful participation of women in the democratic transition and elections, in national reconciliation, in the economic and social life in the country.
They acknowledged the first steps of the Presidential Council towards inclusive, comprehensive rights-based national reconciliation and transitional justice, important also for creating the conducive conditions for holding inclusive national elections in December, for their free, fair, and secure conduct, and for the acceptance of their results.
“We call upon the interim executive authority, institutions, and authorities in Libya to fully follow and implement principles of human rights and international humanitarian law, including when dealing with IDPs, migrants, and refugees, when addressing arbitrary arrests and detention, when moving towards full accountability for crimes.” The statement reads.
It urges domestic and external parties to take practical steps to start the full implementation of the ceasefire agreement, including through the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries from Libya without delay, in line with UNSC Resolution 2570, to manifest their commitment to the arms embargo and other relevant measures through the full implementation of the UNSC Resolution 2571(2021) and others.
The participants also called on all domestic parties to refrain from any actions that may impede the interim Government to function throughout the country and disrupt the political process.
“We call on the HoR to adopt a unified budget. The absence of a unified budget creates obstacles and impediments to the Government to improve the delivery of basic services to the population in all parts of Libya, including electricity and the COVID pandemics response, to the unification and effective functioning of State institutions, including military, security, economic and educational institutions.” The statement explained.