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Italian Minister of Industry: Italy and Libya form a “natural bridge” between Europe and Africa

During an interview with the Italian Nova Agency, Italian Minister of Industry, Adolfo Orso, stressed the importance of cooperation between Italy and Libya in the fields of energy and green technology, noting that this cooperation “lays the foundations for more concrete cooperation on industrial and productivity policy” between the two countries.

The Italian Minister visited Tripoli this week and met with Libyan officials, including the Minister of Economy and Trade, Mohamed Haweij, the Minister of Industry and Minerals, Ahmed Abu Hissa, and the Minister of Communications and Political Affairs, Walid Al-Lafi.

Orso indicated that the comprehensive cooperation between the two countries will include “expanding gas supplies from Libya to Italy and Europe, producing renewable energy in Libya and transporting it to Italy and Europe via electrical connections, as well as building submarine cables and optical fibers to transfer data from Libya to Sicily.”

On Tuesday, Orso signed with his Libyan counterpart a joint declaration to strengthen economic and industrial cooperation initiatives in the sectors of energy and green technology, where he stressed that this cooperation can be developed for green and digital technologies.

Orso noted that the agreement with Libya focuses on “critical raw materials” such as minerals that are essential for the development of digital and green technology.

The Italian minister concluded his statements by emphasizing that Italy and Libya constitute a “natural bridge” between Europe and Africa, describing the agreement reached as a cornerstone for the development of green and digital technologies.

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