In a joint statement on Monday, members of the Security Council called on the Secretary-General to appoint a new envoy to Libya to succeed Abdullah Bathily as soon as possible.
The members affirmed their continued support for the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, and the importance of the interim leadership continuing to conduct business and ensuring a smooth transition for the new envoy that is to be named.
The statement reaffirmed commitment to a comprehensive political process led and owned by Libyans and facilitated by the United Nations, as a viable path to holding elections.
The members of the Security Council once again stressed the need for “relevant Libyan institutions” to participate fully, in good faith and without preconditions, and to make the necessary concessions to achieve progress in the political process.
The members of the Security Council renewed their call for the withdrawal of all foreign fighters and mercenaries from Libya without delay.
The Security Council statement stressed the importance of a comprehensive national reconciliation process based on the principles of transitional justice and accountability.