Sabha municipality calls for assistance following damage caused by heavy rainfall

‎Sabha Municipality announced that 223 homes were damaged by the rainfall in the neighborhoods of Tahrir, Manshiya, Gardah and Hajara, as the assessment of damage is still ongoing in all neighborhoods.

The municipality said, in a preliminary statistic issued on Monday evening, that it was continuing the assessment operations in Kahera neighborhood, which is flooded with rainwater and needed urgent intervention to drain the water.

It indicated that electricity has been restored to some neighborhoods, while more than 517 families needed urgent assistance, most of whom live in the neighborhoods of Kahera, Tahrir, Manshiya and Hajara.

Sabha witnessed unprecedented rainfall on Saturday night and Sunday morning, which led to floods and the submersion of entire neighborhoods, resulting in at least two deaths and dozens of injuries, in addition to significant material losses to public and private properties. 


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