Security Council rejects Belgium’s request to seize Libyan frozen assets

The sanctions committee on Libya, appointed by the United Nations’ Security Council, has rejected a request by Belgium to seize Libyan frozen assets in its banks, saying “there are no legal documents that allow Brussels to use Libya’s frozen assets”.

The Libyan ambassador to the United Nations, Taher El Sonni, said on Twitter Friday that he had previously advised Belgium to withdraw its request before it would be rejected, adding that what happened with Belgium was a warning to any country that might think it could mess with Libyan people’s assets.

“We commend the stances of the member states of the Security Council as they rejected Belgium’s request and we also applaud the efforts of the UNSMIL, Libyan Foreign Ministry of the Government of National Accord, and Libyan Investment Authority as well as the sanctions committee of the Security Council in making this happen. This is a paramount victory for Libya”. El Sonni explained.

El Sonni accused, last week, Belgium of attempting to steal Libyan frozen assets, taking a cowardly advantage of Libyans being busy with the political process ahead of a new executive authority, interim period and eventually elections in December.

He said that Belgium had informed the UN sanctions committee and asked to acquire 49 million euros of the Libyan frozen assets, urging it to end its illegal quest for accessing Libyan frozen assets, saying this “would never happen”.

“We, in cooperation with the Libyan Investment Authority, have informed the UN Security Council about Belgium’s intention to rip off Libyans of their own assets”. El Sonni explained.


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