Tripoli Court of Appeals dismisses Bengdara from NOC’s presidency for his UAE citizenship

The Tripoli Court of Appeal issued its final ruling in the controversial case regarding the citizenship of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Libyan National Oil Corporation (NOC), Farhat Bengdara, ruling to cancel all decisions and actions taken by him since assuming his position, after it was proven that he holds UAE citizenship, which contradicts Libyan Citizenship Law No. 24 of 2010.

The Court confirmed that acquiring a foreign citizenship without adhering to Libyan legal controls results in the loss of Libyan citizenship, and thus the invalidity of holding any public position, especially sovereign positions that require full loyalty to the state, describing Bengdara’s employment in NOC’s Chairman position as “usurpation of power.”

The ruling was based on documents submitted by the plaintiff proving Bengdara’s possession of UAE citizenship, and the validity of these documents was not challenged by the relevant authorities, which the court considered conclusive evidence. It also obliged the parties against whom the appeal was filed to pay the appellant an amount of 10.000 Libyan dinars as compensation for moral damages, in addition to bearing legal expenses.


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