Turkey extended last Tuesday its troops’ deployment in Libya for another 18 months. The motion was submitted by the Turkish Presidency in light of a request for military assistance by Libya’s UN-recognized government on June 13.
“Turkey continues its strong support for the protection of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political unity of Libya, the establishment of a permanent cease-fire in the country, and the efforts of political dialogue that will ensure national reconciliation.” the motion said.
“Political uncertainty that arose after the failure to hold the elections scheduled for Dec. 24, 2021, in Libya jeopardizes the tranquility established on the ground and poses a serious obstacle to achieving permanent stability.” It added.
The motion also indicated that the risks and threats emanating from Libya for the entire region, including Turkey, continue, adding that if the attacks against Libya’s legitimate government resume, Turkey’s interests both in the Mediterranean basin and in North Africa would be adversely affected.
The Turkish Parliament first allowed the deployment of troops in Libya for one year in January 2020. The mandate was extended for another 18 months until July 2022.