The United Nations (UN) Secretary General Antonio Guterres renewed his call on political actors and institutions in Libya to exercise responsible leadership in order to prevent worsened long-standing disagreements that could lead to further instability.
In a report sent to the UN Security Council, Guterres added that the results of the Cairo and Geneva talks represented massive progress that all parties should benefit from. He urged the relevant Libyan institutions to finalize the constitutional basis and pave the way for holding elections without further delay.
Guterres reiterated in his report the importance of protecting the progress made in the security track since the signing of the ceasefire agreement in October 2020, hailing the work of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission, and encouraging taking more practical steps to unify the armed forces, in addition to preparing for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration.
Guterres said that the UN will continue to support the Joint Military Committee to implement all the terms of the ceasefire agreement, including the implementation of the action plan related to the periodic and balanced withdrawal of mercenaries, foreign fighters and forces, and added that they are committed to supporting the work of the Libyan ceasefire monitors in establishing a monitoring mechanism in Sirte.
Guterres indicated that Libyan oil belongs to all Libyans and should not be held hostage to political strife, and stressed the respect and preservation of the independence of the sovereign economic and financial institutions in Libya, including the National Oil Corporation and the Central Bank of Libya. He called for the prosecution of those responsible for impeding the use of resources.