The Head of the United Nations Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Abdoulaye Bathily, has voiced concern about the emergence of unilateral and competing initiatives from various Libyan actors and institutions on the reconstruction of Derna and other flood-affected areas.
In a statement issued by the UNSMIL on Monday, Bathily said the unilateral efforts were counterproductive, deepened the existing divisions in the country, impeded reconstruction efforts, and would be at odds with the outpouring of solidarity, support and national unity shown by Libyan people from all corners of the country in response to the crisis.
UNSMIL also said that there was a need for a unified national mechanism to effectively and efficiently take forward the reconstruction efforts in the flood-affected areas.
“The reconstruction process should proceed, speedily, based on a credible, independent, and objective assessment of the damage and needs, professionally determined cost estimates, and transparent contracting and procurement processes.” The statement reads.
It adds that the Libyan people have expressed their concerns about arbitrary cost estimates and unilateral reconstruction initiatives announced without transparency and buy-in from all relevant authorities and stakeholders.
UNSMIL also called on all relevant Libyan national and local authorities and Libya’s international partners to facilitate agreement on a unified and coordinated Libyan national mechanism to direct the recovery and reconstruction efforts and to ensure transparency and accountability, based on an objective assessment of the situation and needs on the ground.
Bathily urged Libya’s leaders to rise above divisions and come together to agree on a unified response to the reconstruction needs, saying the impact of Storm Daniel also underscored the imperative to expedite negotiations on breaking the political stalemate.
He said he therefore looked forward to receiving the revised draft electoral laws, and to facilitating an urgent discussion among the main Libyan stakeholders to reach a political settlement of all contested issues and agree on a pathway to elections in keeping with the aspirations of the Libyan people.