The Director of the Department of State’s Bureau of Counterterrorism (CT), Ayhan Avila, said earlier this week that their program, Libya Aviation and Airport Security (AvSec), had trained 350 Libyans in aviation security since its launch in 2018, including 37 women.
The Bureau of Counterterrorism of the US Department of State launched in 2018 a program to assist Libya in confronting threats arising from a security vacuum that has created vulnerabilities that may help terrorists to carry out criminal acts through airports.
The US State Department indicated in a statement that this program helped prevent terrorists and illegal materials from crossing through Libya, and laid a decisive basis for reopening Libya’s airports to international destinations.
Avila said that the Bureau aims to assist Libyan partners in facing security threats, pointing out that the program focused on airport inspectors, supervisors and managers from five international airports in all regions of Libya to identify and intercept terrorist activity in line with international standards.
He referred to the opening of a fully equipped training center in Tripoli in September 2021, the first of its kind, which allowed Libyan trainers to train their colleagues in airport security, pointing out that the Libyan trainers trained 160 airport employees at the training center so far.
Source: US Department of State – Website