The Libyan Authority of Searching and Finding the Missing of the Government of National Accord (GNA) said it had discovered a new mass grave in Mashroa Al-Rabet in Tarhuna, in yet another crime added to the bulky file of atrocities committed by warlord Khalifa Haftar and his loyal Al-Kani militias in the city.
The Director of Libyan Authority of Searching and Finding the Missing of the Government of National Accord said Sunday the teams ete working on recovering the bodies and remains from the newly unearthed grave, which is located in the same area where most of the previously discovered graves were found.
Since Haftar’s militias and affiliate militias of Al-Kani have been defeated and kicked out of Tarhuna and largely from western Libya, many atrocities including the mass graves started to appear in Tarhuna and other areas where they have been in control during the aggression on Tripoli from April 04, 2019 to June 2020.