Misrata city hosted Saturday the commencement of the ninth batch of the Anti-Terrorism Force, in the presence of Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, who voiced rejection to the return of armed conflicts to the country under any circumstances, saying: “War is a thing of the past now.”
“The era of wars is over, and the Government of National Unity (GNU) will end the causes of conflict, no matter how severe they are,” Dbeibah said, stressing the GNU’s efforts to impede the acts of those who undermine the security of Libyans, and to fight those who want wars through the establishment of development projects.
Dbeibah reiterated that the GNU would leave no stone unturned in its endeavors to support the Anti-Terrorism Force, along with other security apparatuses and the Libyan Army, to be a pioneering institution based on science, training and development.
The commencement ceremony was also attended by the Minister of Labor and Rehabilitation, Ali Al-Abed, the commander of the Anti-Terrorism Force, Major General Mohammed Al-Zain, Misrata’s mayor, a group of officers from the Libyan Army, and a number of municipal officials.