The French embassy in Libya denied on Saturday any involvement in the ongoing military operations in south Libya, where Khalifa Haftar’s forces announced starting combing through the border areas to preserve Libya’s soverignty.
A number of media outlets and social media pages said French troops were on the ground in south Libya with Haftar’s forces, whose spokesman Ahmed Al-Mismari said at the start of the military advancement that they aimed to protect every inch of the Libyan territory.
Al-Mismari cited terrorist groups’ movements in border areas in southern Libya, saying Haftar’s forces had to step in and make sure the region was secure against any threats to the country and its people.
Amid the ongoing military buildup in Um Al-Aranib in south Libya, the representative of Toubou tribespeople, Al-Senussi Hamid, accused Haftar’s forces of deliberately forcing the locals to displacement out of their houses.
He said Haftar’s forces stormed houses and forcibly – rather racistly – evicted women, children and men, and then they chased them inhumanely outside the town.