US ambassador holds several meetings in Tripoli

The Charge d’Affairs of the US Embassy in Libya, Jeremy Brent, discussed with the First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of State, Masoud Obaid, the importance of resolving differences between Libyans peacefully, achieving national unity, and protecting Libyan sovereignty in light of regional challenges.

During his meeting with the Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Muhammad Al-Haddad, the Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy affirmed the United States’ support for the Libyan efforts to protect its sovereignty and secure its borders.

He also stressed that the United States continues to encourage efforts aimed at unifying and building the professional capabilities of security institutions in Libya.

During his meeting with the Egyptian ambassador yesterday, Brent discussed the importance of unified international support to help achieve Libyan stability.

They discussed moving forward with the political process facilitated by the United Nations and developing a credible roadmap for holding successful national elections.

On Thursday, the Charge d’Affairs of the US Embassy discussed with Attorney General Al-Siddiq Al-Sur the importance of the rule of law and strong criminal justice institutions. They also discussed ways to deepen bilateral cooperation in these areas.


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