US Embassy: Norland, Haftar review unification of security institutions in Libya

The US Special Envoy to Libya, Richard Norland, said that he and the US Embassy’s Charge d’Affaires Jeremy Brandt have highlighted, during their meeting with Khalifa Haftar in Benghazi, the importance of protecting and strengthening Libyan sovereignty.

According to a post on “X” by the US Embassy in Libya, the meeting that took place in Benghazi, addressed the need to unify Libyan security institutions and fully support the political mediation efforts led by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL).

“We discussed the importance of protecting Libyan sovereignty, unifying Libya’s security institutions, and supporting UNSMIL’s political mediation efforts.” The posts reads.

The meeting saw also a discussion about the focus on responding the growing humanitarian needs of Sudanese refugees who had been coming in large numbers to Libya through the southern border.

“The importance of meeting the humanitarian needs of the growing number of Sudanese refugees was also part of our discussion.” The post says.


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