Families of Haftar’s victims urge US State Department not to allow him immunity

The families of the victims of warlord Khalifa Haftar’s crimes in Libya have sent an open letter to the Secretary of State of the United States Mike Pompeo urging him not to allow Haftar to have immunity under the cover of his current involvement in the political and military tracks led by the UNSMIL that aim to achieve a solution to the Libyan crisis.

The letter of the families of the victims urged the US Secretary of State to cooperate with them to initiate justice for the victims, including women and children, as their cases that are lodged at the US Virginia District Court await the verdict that can bring about justice to their lost beloved ones.

The families explained that warlord Haftar can only do more harm and commit more crimes in his pursuit for a new cover to escape punishment and justice with complete impunity.

The letter details all the documented crimes committed by Haftar against the families in Ganfuda: Benghazi, which was besieged by his militias in 2016, resharing all international reports of condemnation against those crimes at the time and in years following 2016.


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