The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Khalifa Haftar didn’t commit to peace agreements signed in Moscow and Berlin.
In a presser before leaving to Algeria on Saturday, Erdogan said Haftar continued his attacks in Libya and it’s possible he won’t respect the ceasefire, adding that Libya’s crisis will be top on the agenda of his visit to Algeria.
“First of all, Haftar is a coup plotter and I told the German Chancellor Angela Merkel that they had been spoiling him a lot. He is advocating partition of Libya and is breaching the ceasefire. Merkel agreed with me.” Erdogan explained.
He added that Haftar didn’t support the conclusions of Berlin or Moscow as the Russian President told him that he vouched for Haftar in return for Erodgan vouching for Al-Sarraj.
“Al-Sarraj committed to the ceasefire as we asked him, but Haftar didn’t commit to anything and escaped from Moscow and hid in a hotel in Berlin.” Erdogan added.