Human Rights Solidarity discredits political activist’s death scenario

Human Rights Solidarity discredited the justification issued by the Internal Security Apparatus regarding the death of activist Siraj Dughman, saying the whole scenario of the alleged fall from a high place of the activist was unacceptable.

The organization said in a statement regarding deaths under arbitrary detention in Khalifa Haftar’s prisons in Benghazi and Garnada that three citizens died within three days while they were under arbitrary detention in the period between April 19 and 21.

“The only way to know the truth about the death of Dughman and the two other activists would only be through an independent investigation directly supervised by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya. Otherwise, he will be a victim of murder in detention.” Human Rights Solidarity added.

Benghazi’s Internal Security Apparatus justified the cause of death of the prisoner Dughman by saying he fell on his head from a high place as he was trying to escape from a bathroom window after climbing to the window with the help of sewage pipes.


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