The “Pre-trial Chamber I” of the International Criminal Court (ICC) terminated Wednesday proceedings against the former Lieutenant General of the Libyan army and former Head of the Libyan Internal Security Agency, Al-Tuhamy Mohamed Khaled.
ICC said in a statement that the Chamber made this decision following the Prosecution’s Notification of the Death of Al-Tuhamy and request to withdraw arrest warrant, dated 2 August 2022 and annexing a copy of a death certificate issued by the Libyan authorities and an official translation.
“In light of the Prosecution’s submissions, the ICC’s Chamber considered that the Certificate sufficed to render the warrant of arrest without effect. Outstanding requests for arrest and surrender made to any States must accordingly be withdrawn.” The statement added.
ICC issued a Warrant of Arrest for Al-Tuhamy Mohamed Khaled because of four crimes against humanity: imprisonment, torture, persecution, and other inhumane acts committed in Libya from 15 February 2011 until 24 August 2011; in addition to three war crimes: torture, cruel treatment and outrages upon personal dignity committed in Libya from at least early March 2011 to 24 August 2011.