The Head of the Libyan-American Alliance, Essam Omeish, has said that Khalifa Haftar is now contracting a new law firm in Virginia, US. Omeish said the name of Haftar’s new attorney is “Robert Cox” who will try to appeal the federal court’s ruling that found Haftar liable for war crimes in Libya.
Omeish said Cox is trying to request a new hearing that will probably be next October and he is going to appeal the court’s ruling.
Omesih added that the victims families’ attorney, Faisal Gill, said this was a desperate and losing attempt by Haftar, explaining that the recent ruling in Virginia was a civilian ruling and would have consequences that pave the way for finding Haftar guilty of crimes as an American.
He also said that the Libyan-American Alliance as well as all Libyans will leave no stone unturned as they seek to defend such cases and makes sure Libya has a civilian state that respects justice and human rights.