The Paris Court of Appeal decided to invalidate the lawsuit submitted by the Turkish company Gorsh obliging Libya to pay 19 million euros and ruled in favor of Libya.
The Libyan Cases Department said that the ruling obligated the company to pay legal fees amounting to one million and 400 thousand euros, in addition to obligating it to pay legal expenses to Libya amounting to 20 thousand euros.
In 2021, the Turkish company initiated an arbitration dispute before the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris against the Libyan state, based on the bilateral treaty between Libya and Turkey to encourage and protect investments between the two countries.
For its part, the Rome Civil Court ruled to cancel the performance order requiring Libya to pay an amount estimated at 560,000 euros to the Italian NGO Valterengo.
In last November’s session, the court obligated the organization to cover the legal expenses, which spared the Libyan state from paying the amount awarded in the performance order.