The Libyan High Council of State (HCS) has proposed an initiative to postpone presidential election to next February to be held at the same time with parliamentary election, saying the vote should be done by the method of lists.
The HCS’s Second Deputy, Omar Bushah, said Wednesday in a press conference that holding presidential elections should be based on a list system that includes a president, two vice presidents, and a prime minister.
Bushah urged the Government of National Unity and High National Elections Commission to review the registration of voters as per civil registry records and to launch national reconciliation programs so that elections to be held on time.
Bushah also indicated that the current election process could be delayed due to the issues facing the High National Elections Commission and the controversial names who announced their candidacy.
In the meantime, the spokesman for the House of Representatives (HoR), Abdullah Blehiq, said the HoR had formed a communication committee with the High National Elections Commission to tackle the issues and challenges facing the election process with a report due at the next HoR session.
Blehiq said the committee includes a member of legislative and constitutional committee, Interior committee member, defense and national security committee member, justice committee member, and control administration committee member.