The Libyan Attorney General, Al-Siddiq Al-Sour, has revealed that they have discovered forgery cases of national identification (ID) numbers’ system and civil registry records in different areas across Libya, announcing in a press conference the beginning of inspection campaigns in all civil registry offices to end such violations.
Al-Sour reiterated that other systems which depend on the civil registry for their data, such as the Ministry of Finance and Social Security, as well as the passport issuance and family grant systems at the Central Bank of Libya were all affected by the forgery.
He indicated that his office had supervised the removal of tens of thousands of national ID numbers, which resulted in avoiding large financial losses for the state of Libya because it used to pay those ID holders salaries, grants, and give them passports. Al-Sour also stressed that such violations had caused severe damage to public money and a great breach of public confidence due to the presence of forged passports.
Al-Sour announced the formation of several committees headed by 160 prosecutors across Libya to examine the civil registry system at the Civil Registry Authority, saying the committees would include officers from the Authority and the Criminal Investigation Agency to examine the civil registry system and compare it with official papers.
Regarding the documents that are not subject to forgery, Al-Sour confirmed that the first shipment of documents would arrive in Libya next week, as a result of which the formed committees would start examining and reviewing the national ID number system.