The UN Secretary General’s special adviser for Libya, said in an interview with Sputnik that in terms of the legitimacy of the current government, that again is also the purview of the Libyan parliament.
“But there are also internationally recognized agreements that Libyans themselves have signed, that set out what is the necessary quorum for the parliament to have in order to change the government. So I think it’s very important for the parliament to follow its own rules,” Williams said.
She added that the Security Council approved the electoral process for the Libyan parliament and the road map agreed on it, which is valid until June.
“I think that what the United Nations has done and continues to do, is to support the 2.5 million Libyans, who have collected their voter registration cards and want to go to the polls and to lift their voices and to really maintain the momentum for elections.” Williams said.
She added that the Security Council has for sure endorsed the elections and endorsed the road map that goes out until June of this year, and it is the purview of the Security Council to determine further steps for the Libyan political process.