The Environmental Sanitation Administration in Libya has reported a significant infestation of desert locusts in the agricultural regions of Barak Al-Shati. The locusts pose a threat to the crops and pastures in the area, which is one of the country’s key agricultural zones.
The National Locust Control Committee has deployed a specialized team to monitor the locust activity. The team’s responsibilities include tracking locust movements, identifying large gatherings, classifying the type and density of the pests, assessing the severity of the situation, and implementing necessary measures.
These actions were decided upon during a meeting between the Director-General of the Environmental Sanitation Affairs Administration at the Ministry of Local Government and the head of the National Committee for Combating Desert Locusts. The meeting focused on strategizing appropriate measures to combat the desert locust infestation in the Barak region.
Desert locusts are known to spread across Africa, Asia, and North and South America. Identifying their type can be challenging due to their numerous forms, which are estimated to be around 30.
In 2019, the city of Ghat experienced a wave of locust infestation following severe flooding that affected vegetation cover. According to a United Nations report, locust swarms form when food becomes scarce, leading to continuous reproduction. Climate change is believed to contribute to conditions that facilitate swarm formation.