In a statement on Wednesday by his spokesman, The Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres had strongly condemned the heavy shelling, for the second consecutive day, of Al Khadra General Hospital in Tripoli.
Guterres also condemned the continued attacks on medical personnel, hospitals and medical facilities, particularly at a time when they are critical to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Libya.
“The Secretary-General reminds all parties that medical personnel, hospitals and medical facilities are protected under international humanitarian law and that attacks on them may constitute war crimes.” The statement reads.
The Secretary-General reiterated his call for a global ceasefire and a humanitarian pause in Libya in order to save lives and enable the Libyan authorities and their partners to devote all their energies to stopping the spread of COVID-19.
Former Libyan ambassadors and diplomats in Ukraine handed 8-year prison sentences
The Tripoli Criminal Court has sentenced eight former officials of the Libyan diplomatic mission to the Republic of Ukraine: three former ambassadors, three health officials,